
Unleash Children'sPotential

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Zatay Medical | Kids & Beans

DIR Floortime

Children are born with a sense of curiosity and this feeling constitutes the majority of our lives. We therapists, who are experts in their field, aim to support your child’s creativity while nurturing their sense of curiosity during the development process. The contribution of artistic activities such as music, drama and painting to child development is undeniable. Our biggest goal is to support your children mentally and physically.

Our experienced team is excited to serve you in our branch in Turtgutreis, Bodrum to help children with special needs develop their sensory, motor and emotional skills!

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(The Developmental, Individual Difference, Relationship-based model (DIR®️) provides a developmental framework for interdisciplinary assessment and intervention in autism and other developmental and intellectual problems. It is a comprehensive foundational model that uses impact-based interactions and experiences tailored to individual needs to promote development. The DIR®️ model was developed by Dr. Stanley Greenspan. Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder and was the first model to identify levels of functional emotional development that provide the foundation for lifelong learning and relationship. DIR®️ training is the first to link these developmental capacities to the biological/neurological individual differences in sensory processing that each person brings to the world. Relationships were identified as the fundamental force that nurtures and optimizes development. It challenges the neurobiological factors that often make it difficult for children with special needs to engage and enjoy early emotional interactions with their parents. Shared interactions between parent and child that are meaningful, positive and enjoyable form the necessary foundation for all development. DIR®️ supports parents in their natural and important partnership with their children - fostering their development in a wide range of areas including regulation, joint attention, communication and language, motor skills, cognition, ideation and application, and social problem solving. DIR®️ was developed and supported by experts in pediatric medicine, developmental psychology, education, speech and language, occupational therapy and physical therapy, making it the first truly integrated multidisciplinary approach for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other neurodevelopmental disorders.


What are the outcomes?


What should you expect from Zatay Health specialization?

Let's explore together your child's strengths and areas that need strengthening. We encourage you to use our Program Matching Tool and identify options based on what your child is experiencing.

Once you register your child for our program, they attend weekly sessions with our therapists. Our evidence-based play and therapy approaches address a variety of conditions including Developmental Coordination Disorder (Dyspraxia), Autism, Anxiety, Motor Development Delays, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, and Neuropsychiatric and Genetic conditions.

We plan the process together from the beginning to the end and monitor the development through our interdisciplinary work. Their skills and the goals we set will continue to develop over time. Growing up is a painful path, so we attach great importance to periodic follow-ups throughout development.


Zatay Medical | Kids & Beans

Therapeutic Hammock (Aerial) Yoga

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my child needs Sensory Integration?

If you notice that your child has trouble interacting with others or managing their emotions, or may have developmental delays, occupational therapy may be right for them. However, every child is different, so we recommend contacting with us.

If my child has special needs, can he/she also participate in Therapeutic Hammock (Aerial) Yoga classes?

There are specific behavioral goals that a child must meet in an aerial yoga class in order for each student and staff member to have a safe and beneficial experience. Depending on your child's specific needs, they may need to remain in occupational therapy until their behavior meets the required expectations.

How is the initial evaluation process done?

The initial assessment measures problem behaviors, adaptive skills, sensory processing and executive functioning. When you book an assessment, we will ask you to complete an intake form. Once your form has been received and reviewed, we will contact you via email for insurance verification and proceed with the assessment. This assessment will be a comprehensive assessment consisting of standardized tests, observations, reflex assessment and parent report measures. A meeting will then be scheduled for a full review of our findings.